ReGeNeRaTe Laboratoires®’s Products
DNAge-Lab ® delivers several products with adult stem cells named ReGeNeRaTe-SG ®, with vital nutrients and proteins. They are intended for organ repairing and their bioengineering. We’re focusing these products in some chronic infections, circulatory system disorders, autoimmune diseases, degenerative diseases, genetic diseases, hormone system disorders, neurological diseases and anti-aging. This innovative product does not need FDA approval and its application is done in a physician’s office. ReGeNeRaTe-SG®’s family products in the past had influenced positively in, among others, major symptoms of age, namely depression, memory loss, impaired immune system, and anemia.
Following are some of the highlights of Stem Cell Therapy:
The fact that PST (Placenta / Stem Cell Therapy) is very “non-specific” in nature makes it look like is the “new panacea” about healing, with the lack of credibility involved.
However, it’s well documented that the Stem Cell Therapy optimizes:
- Immune system
- Hormonal system
- Circulatory system
Engineering department
The DNAge-Lab®’s Medical Engineering Department uses a combination of high-technology and fundamental engineering principles to refine implant designs and develop more efficient product.
ReGeNeRaTe ®’s Partner Program
Discover what is possible when you combine your expertise with the proven capabilities of DNAge-Lab®’s products. Our partner program helps you succeed with a wide range of sales and technical training, tools, support, and marketing tools.
Donors Program
The stem cells are obtained from a healthy young mother who has to approve a series of particular and rigorous tests. The method to obtain it has to be according the best standards, by qualified personal and supervised. The organ donation tests and other tests are performed, so sterility is guaranteed (PCA-HIV, VDRL, IGM-TORCH, HBVAg. HACV-ag). That is why we are proud to claim that this method of placenta therapy is effective, simple, long lasting, non-toxic and risk free.